Monday, March 25, 2013

Trio of Power

Most of the Asia Qualifiers ended and it's almost a month before the big event in Thailand.
Let's talk about the winning decks from each country a bit.

Hong Kong - Prophecy

Spellbook Judgment Day is a bad card design that is really meant to be abused. Drawing it with Junon/s and a good mix of spells equates to 2-3 turns of massive advantage. Lucky if u live through it all and they depleted their Spellbook stock. Easy to side against them though as Droll & Lock manages to stall them by a turn while EEV spells doom all over. Too bad Rose Archer needs a plant field to be used.

Singapore - Incarnate Dragons

Incarnate Dragons has been the talk of the blogs and forums for a while now and is very much considered to be THE deck to beat for the current meta as DragoSack and LaDD is a bitch. Almost has no bad starting hands asides from perhaps having same colored dragons in hand and GY but a single Sarco solves this problem.

Malaysia - Verz

A meta deck that could be called anti-meta as Ophion alone stops the other decks above. Most argues that Ophion can be killed easily by card effects but here's what i say...

Saw this around facebook so much that i wanted to edit it. Original picture only had two panels and I added the Xyz Reborn part. The above pic sums up basically why Verz is still on top plus its ability to main deck EEV too.

I dont claim that Verz is invincible but it does have an advantage over Incarnates. Prophecy perhaps can win over Verz easier than Incarnates as Hygro Spellbook on Toon Gemini Elf, Justice, or Shining Elf is an easy out to Ophion. Let's not forget about Injection Fairy also. Xyz Reborn is a pain but let's hope Decree stops it.

How about the ProphecyxIncarnate matchup? Advantage-wise both decks do it massively as Prophecy can plan and collect the necessary Spellbooks to get through Drago-Sack and OTK while the Incarnate can just hide behind double Drago-Sack or LaDD. Jowgen will be the winning card behind Prophecy if he can protect him. Perhaps also why Wabokus are used in multiples inside Prophecy now aside from LP safety.

This three is what i consider as the big three this format. Of course, 3axis FF and Mermails are still lurking but i feel they wont stand through a test of several rounds with so much Incarnates around. Fairly speaking, 3axis can rush the otk through Rekindlings and Mermails can push OTK too or rush into Abyssgaios with Veiler ready in hand so still cannot underestimate them.

So I said last time that I'll post my Mermail deck but I guess it really doesn't matter anymore so let's scratch it. Thanks for that and also for reading!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Back again. PH Asia Qualifier results

Been awol for how many months now but I'm back again to live up to my blog's description that you can see above, lol.

I think explanations are needed to be given as to why I've been out blogger for a long while.
1.  Career forced to live on the provinces where Yugioh is nonexistent.
2.  Internet connection there is unstable so wasn't even able to play decent games online.
3.  Stuck on Machina Gadget deck for a long while so nothing new to share too.

Luckily, I was able to move my career to a place much closer to home and the city so for the past few weeks I came back to the local shop regularly, got a new deck, and played more games so here's a few things I want to share. There's a lot I want to write about so I'll make this into a series of posts...


Lemme start with the concluded Philippines ACQ. We played before the new banlist was applied so Windups are still top tier and you can still encounter the shit turtle-ing under the protection of 2x Warning and a Judgment, but still, 104 players arrived and played for the chance to win the Thailand trip.

Not as many as other Asia countries but still impressive for this year.
For now I'll just put the results.

104 players
7 rounds of swiss + Top 16 cut

Top 16 comprised of
3 Fire Fist (2x 4star, 1x 3/4star)
2 Mermail
2 Machina Gadget
2 Agents
1 Windup, Verz, BF, Six Samurai, Prophecy, Wind-Incarnate Chaos Dragon, Sacred

Irwin Arogo (Fire Fist 3/4-star) vs. Louren Vidad (Agents) = Agents win
Alvin Lim (Fire Fist 4-star) vs. Karlo Evangelista (Mermail) = Mermail win
Jeffrey Maglilong (Sacred) vs. John Kevin Alcantara (Fire Fist 4-star) = Sacred win
Me (Mermail) vs. Yuki Karikomi (Wind-Up) = Mermail win

*shockingly, all the Fire Fist decks were eliminated this round

Louren (Agents) vs. Jeffrey (Sacred) = Agents win
Me (Mermail) vs. Karlo (Mermail) = I win

Lost to Agents but he can't go as he says he is busy with study and is minor so I go instead. Lucky. lol
He should have said so right at the beginning lol.

Here's a rundown of what I encountered during swiss (in order):
Green = won, Red = lost
Agents >> Samurai >> Arrive Hero >> Agents >> Verz >> Agents >> Prophecy

As you can see, I can confidently say that Agents was the most represented deck in the tournament. Actually I expected more of Gadgets and Fire Fists decks w/o the promos and those were the ones that I made my side deck around. I also expected after the top 8 cut that all the Fire Fist decks would have advanced to Top 4 since they were complete with the promos and is the most dreaded deck in the tournament but it didnt happen. So unexpected.

Verz, another deck considered as top tier, were represented by few ppl. Plus, the inherent bad matchup of the deck against Fire Fist is hard to fix here in the Philippines as only a handful of ppl have sets of Forbidden Holy Lance and most of these ppl are running Fire Fists too. lol

Prophecies were only represented by 3-4 people, I think. Lots of ppl are unprepared for this matchup as some dont even know how absurd Divine Judgment's effect is. However, perhaps the odds were still against them as only 3-4 Prophecies are facing off against 101 other ppl. There's a big risk of them being eliminated even though I consider the deck as the most powerful currently. This is proven as 1 Prophecy deck reaches Top 16. I heard he lost because he drew badly while pitted against Raioh. lol

That's it for our Asia Qualifiers. There's still 2 mos. till the Asia Championships in Thailand so there's still a lot of time for the meta to change (if it does at all) and for me to decide which deck to use. I enjoy playing Mermail and adding Tidal (Water Incarnate Dragon) gives a whole lot of help (Ill talk about it in my next post). But im still iffy if it'd be the deck I'll use forThailand. So there.

Well, I hope you enjoyed my comeback post and see you next time.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

F*** EXP on Qualifiers!

Here goes a rant...

Crap! Our official shop has just recently announced that, if it arrives by this weekend here, EXP2012 will be legal for our qualifiers at the end of the month.

How the hell can I shell out money to afford boxes in 2 days?? :( Tour Guide and Wind-up hell is coming.

Monday, October 15, 2012

PH Team Qualifier Tickets SOLD OUT

Only the first 32 teams to register are allowed to play.

Why only 32?

For the sake of the tournament format (single eliminations) given by Konami.
32 > 16 > 8 > 4 > 2 > Win

That means, if more teams would like to participate, there should be 32 more wanting to join to reach 64.

Now, 64 teams amounts to 192 players in all. If I remember correctly, the largest turnout here was around 100. It would take a miracle to get 90+ players more. But we never know what could happen, right? In fact, there's a waiting list after the first 32 teams where your team can queue up and replace a team in the first 32 if they dont show up on the day of the tournament itself or if there's a problem and they cannot join anymore. If it happens that 32 teams queue up in the waiting list, we might just see a milestone of 64 teams in the tournament! It really would be a long shot, but, positively thinking, what's the harm in queuing up and taking a chance instead of just giving up entirely?

This is why PH don't have team qualifying tournaments like other countries. Haha, its hard just to get a large amount of ppl to join. Plus, ppl tend to wait until the last day of registration before they would join. This is why many are ranting now.

It's funny. Ppl bought expensive promos for the team tournament but didn't bother registering for it early.
Haha, can I borrow those cards now that you can't use them?? :))

Monday, October 8, 2012

T-Report: Asia Format 10/7/12

It's the third tourney report in a row I'm writing about, haha, and sadly, it didn't end like all the previous ones.
It's sort of bigger than the rest also since the tournament prize was a Gold Box for the champion (not that much but better than what we usually have) so the player turnout was higher too. I didn't get to take note of how many exactly though but I guess it was around 24+.

Deck Used: Offering Machina Gadgets
4-round Swiss then Top 10 cut (since there were 3 seeded players, lol)

Round1: vs. Piper Chaos 0-0-
G1 = I made a GigantX and ended as I had a hand full of Gadgets. He summoned Cyber Vary and ended as well. That tipped me off that he could be using DSummon's new Photon deck or a Piper deck. I tried to take  the Vary for myself using Big Eye but he Veiler'd so I continued to push then nxt turn made a Shock Ruler.
G2 = He had Decree'd me early so I wasn't able to push hard. Wasn't able to draw removals till I drew Fortress. I had Shock Ruler but he took it with Creature Swap. I attacked it with Fortress but he used Honest so I got rid of his Decree and had all my traps online and won.

Round2: vs. Roy (Genex Mermail) 0-x-x
G1 = I set 4 and he took out a Compulsory with his set Abyssphere but I was left with Torrential, Warning, and Judgment. With these traps I was able to at least have both of us go to top decking mode. I drew and was able to make a GigantX and ditched both hand for Fortress and left him with 400 LP. He was able to make a LV7 synchro and he opted for Black Rose Dragon and ended. I drew a MaxxC and attacked with it next turn. If he made a Gungnir instead, he would've won.
G2 = Decree and got combo'd
G3 = Time was called. Made a Gigant X and ended. I didnt draw traps again. He set 2 cards. I need to damage him at least so I made a Maestroke and Fortress as I know he is running 2 Mirror Forces. He took all the damage and I was confident I'd win since I have a Maxx C and Dark Hole in hand if ever he has an answer to my monsters. His turn I used Maxx C then he used Ultimate Offering to make a Mist Wurm that bounced all my monsters. I discarded Megalo from his hand as he might be hiding a Salvage or Avarice in his set cards but it was Monster Reborn. I got OTK'd that turn since I didn't draw Tragoedia nor Scarecrow. :(

Round3: vs. Lightsworn 0-0-
G1 = He got Lumina+Garoth+Wulf+Gardna(mill). Seems perfect opening but I had Offering. Made Shock Ruler and denied all his monster effects.
G2 = Macro Cosmos locked him out.  

Round4: vs. Rock Stun 0-0-
G1 = He drew a Xyz monster and he conceded.
G2 = He traded his Koaki Wall for my MST and I just set my traps not summoning a Gadget. His turn he summonded a Gogogo Giant and attacked. It went to defense after. I summoned a Gadget and he used Skill Drain but I used Seven Tools for it. He didn't draw enough monsters compared to my backrow so I won.

Top12: vs. X-Sabers 0-x-0
G1 = Black Corn on his Emmersblade, saved my BTH for Faultrol, and it was smooth sailing.
G2 = He got me denied of my Gadgets with Saber Hole and didn't drew another copy while he kept attacking with Boggart. He made Shien with his Hermit and Pashuul and it was gg
G3 = Macro Cosmos and Mind Crush locked him down.

Top8: vs. Rock Stun 0-0-
G1 = His Grand Mole kept attacking to my monsters as he didn't have any choice so I won eventually thru advantage.
G2 = He kept on negating my Gadgets with Koaki Guardian but I have Call of the Haunteds so I still have the advantage.

Top4: vs. TG Agents x-0-x
G1 = I got him running with only 1200 LP left while using only Photon Slasher coz I didnt draw any Gadgets. Somehow he got rid of it and I didn't draw any Gadget at all. :( I had Double Summons ready if ever I was able to draw 1.
G2 = Used Deck Devastation Virus on him on his 1st turn and killed the infield Balls (Venus eff) and a Werewolf. I knew all his cards for the next 3 turns so I won with playing around them.
G3 = Made GigantoX but got no traps but had Maxx C. He summons Cyber Dragon. Ditched Maxx C. He made Chimeratech, Venus + 3 balls + Xyz into Gachi + BLS. I drew like 6 cards but didn't get Tragoedia or Scarecrow again. :( wtf is with my dumb luck.

So in the end, I felt bad about my loss. Not drawing Trago nor Scarecrow when your opponent disregarded good logic against Maxx C is so retarded. It's like dumb luck is rewarding those players who just continued with their OTK while thinking they don't care about Trago, Gorz, Fader, or Scarecrow. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

T-Report: New Asia Format 10/6/12

Goodnews:  Finally we can now get to use promo cards in our Asia Format.

Badnews:   I'll be returning to the provinces again tomorrow for my flight training. I'll miss Yugioh again and a stable internet connection.

So before I go, I'll want to practice my deck setup for the team tournament qualifier this end of October. I won't be able to practice irl again. Well, I think I can get to join a tournament before I travel tomorrow.

Deck Used: Offering Machina Gadget
Participants: 16
Single Eliminations

Round1: vs. Chaos Dragons 0-x-0
G1 = He summoned Lyla and ended to milled cards including a Zephyros. I drew 3 Gadgets, a trap, mst, and Trago. I summon a Gadget and ended. He summoned Debris Dragon and revived something. He summoned Light Pulsar Dragon next and synchro'd a Trident Dragion. wtf. He revived Zephyros and used Trident's effect. Luckily, I had that Tragoedia so I didnt get killed that turn. I have lots of advantage by then so I won eventually.
G2 = Time was called and I lost in the end, so...
G3 = Last 3 turns, but I had Inverz Roach on my 1st turn so got super control of the game.

Round2: vs. Anti-Meta 0-x-0
G1 = Expected him to have Raioh. Reserved my Dark Hole for it and my MSTs to his set cards before that.
G2 = Didn't know he uses Emergency Teleport so I ate a Black Rose Dragon, then a Wisel. lol, shouldn't have sided out my Starlight Road.
G3 = Ultimate Offering. nuff said

Round3: vs. Black Feather 0-0-
G1 = Was able to use Ultimate Offering on his turn. Summoned 3 Gadgets then he SS'd Gale to make Black Rose Dragon at MP2 and wiped the board along with his traps. Got advantage so I won eventually.
G2 = Ultimate Offering + Limiter Removal. Sorry man. haha

Finals: vs. Chaos Lightsworn x-0-0
G1 = Got Storm'd and he summoned Pulsar, Judgment Dragon, and Red Eyes.
G2 = Poor mills for him. Used Black Corn on his Card Trooper. He didn't get his grave running.
G3 = He summoned Trooper and milled mediocre. Used Black Corn on it again and set Mind Crush, Macro Cosmos, and Prison. Used Crush on his turn and called Storm. He doesnt have it and I saw Red eyes, Dark Flare, Trago, Plague, Judgment Dragon and Foolish Burial. He discarded my Gadget. He used Foolish, I chained Macro. He made Black Rose Dragon with Pulsar and Plague. We went to top decking as time was called. I won when he cannot get over my Utopia and Inverz Roach.

Got lots of side against the mirror but didn't meet any today so hopefully I can get to do so tomorrow.
Thanks for reading!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

T-Report: Old Asia Format 9/30/12

I say Old Asia format since until now we aren't allowed to use promo cards. Hope we can get to do so for the team tournament qualifier this end of October. Tried Gadgets so I can have a good feel if it is valid for me to use in the coming qualifiers.

Deck Used: Offering Machina Gadgets
Participants: 16
Single Eliminations

Round1: BYE. opp didnt show up. Lucky to have free win. Unlucky to get no practice

Round2: vs. Chiro Morillo (Six Samurai) 0-0-
G1 = No 1st turn Shien but he used a lot of Fiendish Chains. He misplayed with his Heavy Storm (3-2 exchange, his loss) which enabled my Chain'd Fortress to move again.
G2 = He ended with only a set card. Me did the same (Ultimate Offering). He used Gateway and United and used Ascetism with his normal summoned Hermit. I activated my f/d Offering before he had a Shien and used MaxxC. I drew 10 cards with him completing a field of Excalibur, 2 Kizans, Shien, Grandma. He attacked but I summoned a 6000 ATK Trago, gg.

Round3: vs. Vincent Lim (Agents) X-0-0
G1 = Both of us were farming 5-6 cards in hand while still able to commit considerably on the field. But in the end I was the one who first got to spend more cards early since a Catastor and Hyperion is hard to kill without Dark Hole.
G2 = Venus+Gachi got over my Gearframe. I killed Venus back with Photon Slasher, summon Gadget, then made a Maestroke to defend. Both of us had def monsters and it went back and forth but I think he had subpar draws so I got game.
G3 = Venus+Gachi but killed by Photon Slasher again, lol. Slasher is a success, haha. I set 2, he used Storm, I chain Complusory to get rid of his Gachi. Tried to push for game a few turns after and won. Looks like he got no more monsters to press with.

Finals: vs. Brian (Chaos(?) Machina Gadget) 0-0-
G1 = He set a Ryko, it destroyed my f/d. Though it was a tech but next he summoned a BLS to directly attack me but I summoned a 3000 atk Tragoedia. Nxt turn it went over BLS and it was smooth sailing to victory.
G2 = He used Mind Crush to send my Green Gadget to GY but I had a Red Gadget and Ultimate Offerring. He bluffed two cards f/d but I pushed and got game.

My impressions of today:
-Photon Slasher owns. haha. Kills a lot of turn1 biggies like Venus, Kizan, Gearframe
-Mirror Force is so good.
-Gagaga Gunman! haha, its not safe to leave 500 LP when paying for Ultimate Offering.
-Tried to use Chaos Hope to end the finals but fail. No achievement. :(

Pros of the deck if I use it in team:
-doesn't use Duality, so I can give it to someone else
-doesn't use other Xyz besides Rank 4 and only uses 1 of each xcept Giganto
-doesn't require to use power staples such as Reborn and Heavy Storm
-lots of good cards that you can use even without a couple of staples
-can side in hate cards like Cosmos and other continuous traps

-lots of traps
-predictable deck, one-trick pony deck, Many expect the deck to be used in the tournamnet
-easily dies to a well-planned or crazy-drawn OTK
-has problems dealing against 2500+ monsters and esp. Catastor/Tiras/Crimson Shadow
-easily locked by Raioh

Got my prizes and left the store to go to our friend's house for a birthday party. haha.